A rhythmic, flowing style of exercise performed seated, standing, and on all fours, connecting you to your breath, centering you in your core, and creating more space in your body. Learn more

Current Classes:
Live stream classes via Zoom from Minneapolis.
Sliding scale $5-20 payable by check or Paypal: https://paypal.me/nonedwards
Gyrokinesis Method Level 1 Classes:
MONDAY: 10:00-11:00am: https://zoom.us/j/597696618
THURSDAY: 12:00-1:00PM https://zoom.us/j/86006978332
FRIDAY, 10:30-11:30am: https://zoom.us/j/556949877
Gyrokinesis Method Foundational Classes - an introduction to the Gyrokinesis Method:
SUNDAY, 10:30-11:30am: https://zoom.us/j/637871744
TUESDAY, 6:00-7:00pm: https://zoom.us/j/85360225028
PRIVATE SESSIONS Contact me to schedule a private session. Sliding scale fee, $25-50.
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Image by Bill Cameron