About the GYROKINESIS® Method
The Gyrokinesis Method is a movement method that addresses the entire body, opening energy pathways, stimulating the nervous system, increasing range of motion, and creating functional strength through rhythmic, flowing movement sequences. This method coordinates movement, breath and mental focus.
The Gyrokinesis Method is practiced standing, seated on a stool or armless chair, and on all fours. Participants in a Gyrokinesis class tap into sensation and develop their own proprioception while exploring movement sequences.
Image by Bill Cameron

The GYROKINESIS® Method is a rhythmic, flowing system of exercise that builds functional strength in turn out, moves through circular and spiral pathways, strengthens the core, and focuses the mind.
Benefits include:
-A great workout
-A moving meditation
-Reduced back and joint pain
-Strength throughout increased flexibility and range of motion
-Improved posture and alignment
-Greater connection and awareness throughout the body
-Excellent cross-training for dancers